Besides being legends in the prog world and a favourite band of PC arranger Marcus Enochsson, Van der Graaf Generator were also one of the top names on the accumulated wished-bands list that PC had compiled from surveys done after every event. At the time, VdGG weren’t up for re-uniting just yet, and the tour of 2013 appeared to be the last live appearance of the band. However, icon lyricist, singer and composer Peter Hammill was happy to come back to Sweden to do two solo gigs for the first time since 1985, although he also did participate at IB Expo 2017 (and later in 2019) in Halmstad. The announcement was met with much awe and amazement by fans who most surely were satisfied with two super intense gigs in Malmö and Stockholm with completely different set lists.


Thank you post from PC
It’s been a weekend packed with emotions and impressions for us! Judging from the response so far, it seems that Peter Hammill’s concerts have had a great impact on you as well, which is truly awesome. Of course, we are so, so happy to live under circumstances where we are able to arrange these kinds of things, and have a debt of gratitude to a bunch of people for making it possible.
So, thank you to:
– Peter Hammill for accepting our invitation, for giving two astonishing solo concerts and for having an easy and professional attitude, just like his sound technician Will
– Palladium and Kulturhuset with their service minded and quality focused personnel
– Martin Sandberg and Marcus Bengtsson for spreading the word like no one else
– Johan Weesmaa for putting up posters
– Tommy & Karin Arnesson for spending a weekend with our kids
– Last but not least YOU – the ticket buyers, the word spreaders, the PC positives – wherever you are. Without YOU this wouldn’t be possible!!!
And now back to planning for bringing some more great prog names to you, including that fourth PC18 name that we told the PH audiences about… But more about that in a while ?
Prog hugs and kisses!
/Anna & Marcus
Photo: Martin Sandberg

Photo gallery
Photos by Martin Sandberg

Photos by PC