The very first Progressive Circus event was held at Salongen in Helsingborg, April 26th 2014. It started with Marcus Enochsson of Soniq Circus taking contact with venues in southern Sweden to do a gig together with one of his favourite bands, Vulkan. Jeanette Sollén who ran the newly started ”Salongen” in Helsingborg (also known as the beautiful hall ”Folkets hus” since 1906), thought this was a great idea, but challenged Marcus to think bigger, and invite some more known artists and make a festival out of it.
With a joint risk taking from Salongen and Marcus/Soniq Circus, and financial support from Helsingborgs Stad and ABF Marcus could book A.C.T (who he knew since before) as headliner, and came to think of Helsingborg resident Lalle Larsson who had impressed Marcus greatly at his shows with Agents of Mercy, so he brought his Electric Trio to the festival. Apart from them, Vulkan and Soniq Circus, Marcus also got in contact with Helsingborg originated bob hund’s Jonas Jonassons who did the live premiere of his solo project Huvudwerk at PC14. James LaBrie/Darkane drummer Peter Wildoer – also a Helsingborg resident – did a drum clinic and Dan Bornemark had a lecture about his work with Gentle Giant recordings.

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Thank you post from PC
Thank you very very much for a fantastic day yesterday! We had a blast as arrangers and would like to thank EVERYONE involved in making this as good as it was =)
Feel free to share any nice photos or videos you may have from the event!! Eventually some will show up from here as well..
So thanks a lot to the artists Peter Wildoer, Dan Bornemark, Jonas Jonassons Huvudwerk, Vulkan, Soniq Circus, Lalle Larsson Electric Trio, A.C.T!! For your info, I’ve heard different attendants… having each of the 7 artists as their highlight of the day, which is a proof of the musical breadth covered.
Thanks to Johan Osberg and Simon Nilsson at Soundlite for fixing the sound gear and mixing! We owe you a great deal for making this event so good!
Thanks to Andreas Hanberger, Johan Pilblad, August Borg and Sylvester Wictor for helping us with entrance and wardrobe, Nils Erichson for shopping, Linus Abrahamsson for mixing lights during SC and anyone helping who we may have missed here!
Finally, thanks to Salongen and Jeanette Sollén for encouraging us to turn the Vulkan + Soniq Circus gig into a completely different kind of monster, and ABF and Kulturnämnden Helsingborg for supporting us!
Photo: Nils Erichson

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Photos by Nils Erichson