With the IQ show at Kulturhuset Studion in 2017 being a success both critically and sales wise, the band wanted to come back soon, and did so in September 2019, promoting the new double album ”Resistance” that was released only a few weeks after the shows. The Copenhagen date was the second collaboration with KPM Concerts.

Review in DN: https://www.dn.se/kultur-noje/konsertrecensioner/konsertrecension-veteranerna-i-iq-har-inte-tappat-energin/
Thank you post from PC
We had a wonderful weekend, didn’t we?
IQ did two completely terrific Scandinavian shows, including their first full one in Denmark ever! As always, it was a great pleasure to work with the IQ band & crew, who apart from being professional happen to be very nice and easy going. We like
So, we send our big thanks go to them, but also to:
– Karsten Mortensen and KPM Concerts with crew for arranging the Danish gig, and for making IQ impressed and happy with his welcoming
– The Fryshuset crew for also being super nice, professional and solving our problems before they even came
– Marc Västerås (who also took one of the photos), Daniel Lyrstedt and Torbjörn Jonsson for spending the Saturday preparing, carrying, putting together, cutting, helping, hanging and lots of things needed to make the gig happen
– YOU who bought tickets or spread the word about Progressive Circus and the concert. Thanks to YOU, we are able to carry on and invest in making even more prog dreams come true…
Now there’s Progressive Circus 5 years celebration at Mejeriet in Lund with gorgeous Vulkan, Khadavra and Soniq Circus, october 12!
…and then it’s the ultimate concert experience – Magma + All Traps on Earth in one evening – november 2! Get tickets to it now, fasten your seatbelts, and prepare to get your MIND BLOWN AWAY by this extremely powerful combo!
All info and ticket links on www.progressivecircus.com
Prog hugs and kisses! /Marcus & Anna

IQ promo video
Photo gallery
Photos by PC